jueves, 10 de marzo de 2011

Exile by Julia Alvarez

It was nice and strong at the same time because it made me think about what it would happen if I go one day to another country without expecting it, I would be so afraid of what could happen, if they accept me or not, if I could fit in there, if the economy of my house would be the same or it would get worst and harder, if the language would get difficult to me, I do not n¡know many thing would pass through my head in that moment also I would miss all my family and friends, my culture and my food, everything would change for me so that is why we have to enjoy where we live and what we have in this moment because we do not know what could happen in a future.

Taxi by Amy Lowell

It is an innovated and weird idea because nobody talks about the sensation that feels when she lefts her taxi usually poems are for the ones you love but in this case this person loves so much her taxi that she would died for it so that is really rare or uncommon.
We used to like the poems that we feel they are telling our story but this one is different, in this poem even though you do not feel that for a taxi you think about it to live without your ipod or cellphone or something you love to carry with you.
I liked it.

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs by Roald Dahl

In few words, I love it! it was so fun and creative that make me laugh so much, also i liked it because it rhymed and the story changed of course and ended with tons of dollars because of the jockeys won and and everyone lived happily ever after.
I wish we could read in a not far future some more stuff from Roald Dahl because is really good and fresh for young people like us.

miércoles, 9 de marzo de 2011


When we saw in class Shakespeare I was very excited because two of my favorite plays are from him,  A Midsummer Night's Dream and Romeo and Juliet because are about love and all the things the characters passed for trying to have a happy ending. 
   Personaly I hated Romeo and Juliet movie but the one in which Leonardo DiCaprio appears because I feel like they are laughing of William Shakespeare and if he would reborn he would die again after watching that movie.
William Shakespear is of the major writers that other writers want to be because of his great talent and the form in which he wrote so many literary works and sonnets in a short period of time because of the requirements of his time.
   It is such a coincidence that two of the greatest writers in the world died in the same year and that the year was 1616, It is not great?
I hope that the creativity and innovation of that time come again for making really good literary pieces.